Posted by bleauberry on August 27, 2010, at 17:31:22
In reply to Post SSRI side effects--anyone found a way out?, posted by wzlong_D on August 26, 2010, at 4:00:00
I see the terms "medically established" and similar phrases in this thread. I dunno. I guess I'm not on board with that way of thinking any more. I used to be.
If MS was medically established as it is commonly assumed it is, then no one would see symptoms and brain lesions disappear while taking an antibiotic.
It used to be medically established and accepted that stress caused ulcers. That was until decades later when someone discovered ulcers were from a particular bacteria.
And hundreds of similar examples. LDN is not medically established but is improving symptoms, preventing progression of disease, and even totally reversing a wide variety of disease in open minded doctor's offices all over the country.
No one thinks to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or MS or Fibromyalgia with antibiotics. That is not medically established. My LLMD accidentally became a Lyme expert when he anecdotally noticed his CFS, MS, and FM patients were improving or remitting when on antibiotics for other non related reasons. To him he has all the proof in the world documented with hundreds of patients that there is a hiddene unsuspected bacterial component underlying many of those patients. The only way it can be proved is that the patient gets better on antibiotics and they may never know exactly what the cause was.
No one thinks to treat resistant depression with antibiotics or antifungals...hint hint. Not medically established.
Post ssri syndrome is, in my opinion, a real phenomenon because it keeps showing up here on a regular basis from unrelated people from around the globe. The description of it is almost always the same.
Whatever changes occurred in the brain, immune system, hormones, or whatever, that caused it, well, maybe in 100 years that might be medically established. That's too late for me. It is me in charge of and concerned with my life, not the scientist in a white coat somewhere.
I've tried a lot of stuff. Sometimes on purpose because it theoretically sounded good, and sometimes on a pure blind trial just to see. In all of those things, I have found very few substances beneficial to my own post ssri syndrome. But among the few good ones are...
LDN, low dose DLPA, ultra low dose Milnacipran.Why? Not a clue. Just thought I would share.
I think one major rule of the game changes when someone presents with something that looks like the so called post ssri syndrome. That is, no matter what substance is taken...prescription, herbal, vitamin, illegal, whatever...the dose has to be ultra low. 1mg of lexapro for example would be a high starting dose. 1 drop (1/10th mg) is the appropriate dose to start. Not that we want another ssri! Just to show an example.
So I guess other than the 3 substances I've named, the general theme I would share is that the rules others follow do not apply to us...our rulebook was changed when we weren't now says normal doses for other people are overdoses to us.