Posted by Brainbeard on October 4, 2010, at 14:24:43
man I dunno wath to choose: am currentluy stabilizing on clormipramine (225mgs) which is the old tca you know dry mouth constuipation the lot although I don't suffer from constipation much because I take a med for dry mouth that helps with it too
I think of adding some drugs to help with some issues
sleep problems: I think of adding remewron my p-doc is probabnly willing to since he started talking about if before as an aid for not getting an orgasm (anorgasmiasia or somehting)
problems doing chores: abilify, lotsa folks seem to be able to do chores better on abilify / or: dextroamfetamine BUT its addictive or: concerta/ritalin BUT it makes me horny and selfish which is not good for my marriage
abilify may make a good couple with remeron one helping with the side-affects of the ohter
perhaps flupontixol which is good for mood and pain BUT its a pain in the *ss getting off of it
so wath do I choose abilify dextroamphetamine flupentixol (perhaps buspar) ritalin concerta remeron? man I dont know wath to do
Current meds: clomipramine 225mg, fluvoxamine (Luvox) 50mg, amitriptyline 10mg, bethanechol 25-50mg.
PRN: oxazepam 5-10mg