Posted by Cydnie on November 15, 2010, at 18:40:52
I found that a Dr.Brown in NY prescribes stablon, and have luckily someone close to me who talks to pdocs in my area. He has no clue how Dr.Brown can legally prescribe it, does anyone know? I tried to call,no luck. I would love to have a doc follow me and know what I am taking (I ordered stablon last week) and am of course putting all eggs in a basket (and know how smart that is ;) that it will be my dream anti depressant. I have no clue where to find out about drug drug interactions (I take adderall, namenda, as well as other non-psychotropic medication) and read on this site. Seems to be hard to find out, but believing in this drug, am willing be be a guinea pig. But of course if anyone knows the laws behind how someone could prescribe a foreign med, not fda approved, I might be able to find a doc who would follow me. (I have a loved one who works at a psychiatric hospital in Belmont, MA, and none of them know about stablon!) Even if no one knows,I will report back if I learn anything helpful for anyone here my dear friends in mental health!