Posted by Lou Pilder on May 24, 2011, at 21:00:48
In reply to Lou's response-altrdmhynd, posted by Lou Pilder on May 22, 2011, at 8:04:32
> > > I should mention I am on 1mg of Klonopin 3 times daily.
> > >
> > > I'm 36. I have a genius IQ and yet my life has been defined an destroyed by anxiety. I don't know what to do anymore or where to go for help. I don't know how to swallow these drugs anymore that only seem to make it all worse. I don't have blind faith in the doctors anymore. I am so afraid to start any medication.
> > >
> > > Lepus,
> > You wrote,[ one can figure out...terrible anxiety..20 years...depression...becoming more and more unhinged...(psychiatric drugs) set off anxiety...mood is horrible...been on every drug...please help...I think I'm going to die this way...on Klonopin...have genius by anxiety...where to go for help...these drugs..make it all worse...].
> > I have no trouble {figuring out} what's goin' on in what you have described here. You see, the drugs that psychiatrists/doctors have given you can be legally prescribed even though some of those drugs could be addicting and cause one that is taking them to have the urge to kill themselves and/or others to be increased. A lot of the psychotropic drugs can cause sudden death and life-ruining conditions such as tardive dyskinesia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome and diabetes and heart conditions and blood conditions, and a list of other life-ruining conditions as well as addiction to them.
> > You see, it has been revealed to me that the some of the drugs in question come from chemicals that have mind-altering effects. These chemicals have been used for millinia to alter the mind, kill, or addict. Chemists today synthesize the chemicals that the ancients used from plants and coal-tar and such. These chemicals are the building blocks of some of the psychiatric drugs today. I have been trying to show some of this so that there could be education that IMHHO could give people more information so that they could make a more informed decision as to take these drugs or not. This could then IMHHHO save lives and prevent one from getting a life-ruining condition from these drugs.
> > Last year it is estimated that 42,000 people died from psychotropic drugs prescribed by psychiatrists/doctors. The number of people that got life-ruining conditions is a lot more.
> > Yet today, people like yourself ask {where to go for help}. I am prohibited here by the administration from posting a lot of {historical fact} and the foundation of Judaism as it has been revealed to me, that I believe, in regards to a commandment from the God that I give service and worship to that I {redacted by respondent}. I am also prohibited from posting here where you can find this information.
> > You see, all this that I am prohibited from posting here could IMHHO make you free from addiction and depression. You see, the chemicals in some of these drugs have been used to kill insects and parsites in animals. But there is much more to this that I am prohibited from posting here that show how men used these drugs in a particular time frame that goes on today.
> > Here is a link to a video that if you could watch it could open up a discussion that might lead to help you.
> > Lou
> > To see this video:
> > A. Pull up Google
> > B. Type in:
> > [youtube, psychiatry: An Introduction]
> > You will see a pic of a woman and the time is 5 min posted on Nov 24 2006
> >
> > Lepus,
> Here is a video that is concerning how one's mind could be alterd when they take antidepressants. If you could view it, then I think that the information could help you in understnding how one's mind could be altered by these chemicals and then IMHHHO be better able to plan ahead from here in your condition.
> You see, historically, the chemicals in a lot of psychotropic drugs were used to alter the mind of the one taking the drug to kill others. The historical record shows the tactics of how some communities indoctrinated the members to hate particular people. Hate crimes can be planted in the minds of people in a community as to that the communty could be indoctrinated (falsely) into thinking that by killing one of the targeted people that they are doing what will be good for the community as a whole.
> I am prohibited from posting here by the administration how this has been done in regards to the tactics used in a community in relation to historical antisemitic violence. I am also prohibited by the administration here of posting the links to the posts here that are directives to me concerning these prohibitions. You could go through the admin board and see all the outstanding requests from me to Mr. Hsiung. But if you knew what I am prohibited from posting here, I think that it could go a long way in helping you recover and understanding the mechanism of how these drugs can alter the mind to induce a mind-altered state to have the person taking the drug to want to kill themselves and/or others.
> Lou
> To see this video,
> A. Pull up Google
> B. Type in;
> [youtube, can antidepressants cause violence?]
> You will see a pic of a woman posted on May 8 2007 and is 5 min.
> Friends,
If you are considering being a discussant in this thread, I am requesting that you view the following video.
To view this video:
A. Pull uup Google
B. Type in:
[youtube, Comfortably numb-part 1 by Gloria Berman]
You will see a pic of a dark screen with writing on it. The time is 9 min posted on April 20 2008
poster:Lou Pilder