Posted by Huxley on July 6, 2011, at 22:13:03
And I consider Myself a recovering drug addict.
My original condition = Social Anxiety
Prescribed multiple SSRI and SSNRI's over a decade.
New condition = Insomnia
Prescribed an Anti-Psychotic Zyprexa
New Conditions = 'Bipolar features',
Prescribed a mood stabaliser Lamictal/lactimal
New Conditions = Slowness and low motivation possibly ADHD.
Prescribed PRovigil.
So at my peak I was on these 4 meds. Lactimal, Zyprexa, Pristiq and Provigil. The irony of this is at this stage I am more socially anxious than when I started. I now had major depression, Bipolar Disorder and possible ADHD.
The last year and a half I have slowly come of the drugs.Provigil was first to go. Took a while to adjust but wasn't to bad.
Lactimal was very hard and took months.
Zyprexa has been a nightmare and has take over a year to go from 1.25mg to .30mg.
Daily Panic attacks, Emotitonal overdrive, anxiety, derpersonalisation, Despair, anger.
These are some of the things that I experienced weeks after each drop.
But I keep getting better and better after the initial adjustment phase.
So if taking drugs makes me worse and stopping them makes me better than I think it is fair to conclude that it was indeed my drugs causing the problem?
Why Couldn't doctors see this or tell me this?
Even when I raised the suggestion I was scoffed at.I currently would not describe myself as mentally ill.
Infact ironically, the hell that I have lived through being on and getting off these drugs makes my everyday life seem a blessing...