Posted by Lou Pilder on January 16, 2012, at 6:58:03
In reply to Lou's response-hunoze, posted by Lou Pilder on January 15, 2012, at 16:04:23
> > > > Why All Negative On SSRI's Now?
> > > >
> > > > Maybe cuz they don't work?
> > > >
> > > > Seriously, they do sometimes help incredibly and sometimes even miraculously. Just not that often. My guess is somewhere in the 15% area, if that high. I'm talking remission, close to remission, and tolerable or negligible side effects.
> > > >
> > > > I think ssris have a useful place, just that they are overused and overhyped.
> > > >
> > > > And you are right, if quality of life either stays the same or goes down when on a med, well, it doesn't matter what the age is, it definitely aint worth it. Why would someone want to purposefully do that to themselves? Probably the fear of not knowing what to do, or the fear of the unknown, keeps people stuck.
> > > >
> > > > bleau,
> > > You wrote,[...Maybe..they don't work?...Why.?..the fear of not knowing...].
> > > There were about 42,000 deaths from taking psychotropic drugs in one way or another last year. This number could go up due to that more of these drugs are being prescribed to more people. This means that if you look at his situation in the following light, the prescribes and manufacturers of the drugs could be in denial of the facts. And the drugs could induce a mind-alterd state for the taker of the drug to want to kill themselves and/or others or commit mass-murder.
> > > Here is a post that has a link in it thatcatalogs the suicides and murders and other related crimes and issues related to people that were taking psychotropic drugs while the crime was commited.
> > > Lou
> > >
> > >
> > > Friends,
> > If you are considering being a discussant in this thread, I am requesting that you view the following video.
> > Lou
> > To view this video:
> > A. Pull up Google
> > B. Type in:
> > [youtube, Fluoride Used by to Sterilize Inmates to make them docile].
> > This is usually the 3erd post and the is a pic that has the time as 9:39 posted on July 27, 2009
> > >
> > Friends,
> If you are considering being a discussant in this thread, I am requesting thatyou read the following article.
> Lou
> to see trhis article:
> A. Bring up Google
> B. Type in:
> [Psychiatric drugs, Fact Sheet, Law
> > PS...In the previous request from me , the featured video could be the first post without a pic, but all of the posts could be educational.
> Now in this article requested by me for you to read, the people involved have {facts}. I am requesting that you read the article because I think that by reading it you could have a better understaning of this situation and be better able to make a more informed decision as to if taking psychotropic drugs could kill you or cause you to kill someone else. The people in the article will show evidence as to who knows and who does not know. I know that there are particular chemicals and compounds in psychotropic drugs that have particular action on the nerves and the brain. The peoplle that made nerve agents such as Sarin know this. The active ingediant in the poison gas Sarin, is fluoride. But there is much more to this. You see, Prozac and Paxil and Lexapro and Luvox and Celexa are flourinated drugs. And fluoride is accumlative in the body. So people take these drugs for months and years and sometimes until they die. Do you takers of these drugs want to rely on another person to take these drugs that could kill you? Or do you want to know the truth about these drugs?
> I am trying to save lives here and to help people overcome addiction and depression. Addiction from the drugs. But Mr. Hsiung, the owner of this site, has made prohibitions to me. Prohibitions IMHO that could mark the difference between a live person and a corpse. (see the admin board).
> Now I say to you that there has been revealed to me a great deception. I am prohibited here from posting what the deception is and {a way out} as revealed to me. I don't know how many people will die here because of that prohibition to me by Mr. Hsiung, but I do know that death is an enemy and I will fight it where it can be seen. For those of you that want to advance the taking of mind-altering drugs, that even the FDA has issued a warning that they can cause increase in suicidal thinking, remember that (redaced by respondent).
> Friends,
The quesion to me is where do some of the stats that I cite come from. There are many sources and I have gatherd some from transcripts of legal cases involving deaths that the palintiff asserts were caused by the decedent taking psychotropic drugs. These transcripts are available on the net and are referenced in other articles. There are many cases going on now that lawyers have facts concerning the number of deaths from psychotropic drugs. They get those stats from the FDA and other government sources. You can contact the FDA yourself and get these stats. You see, deaths are reported and records are kept as to the cause of death. One vid that I posted here has the deaths from suicides as recorded. That was in {The truth about suicide by Psychtruth} if you want to pull that up.
The number of around 40,000 people that died from psychotropic drugs last year is used as common fact by many now. And those that use that number know that the number of deaths could be much more than that because all of the deaths are not reported. Some say it is 10 to 1 or even 100 to one. So if the 40,000 deaths last year isused, it could be 4,000,000 if the 100 to 1 ratio is used. I tend to lean to about 10 to 1 due to that many die from sudden death as cardiac arrest and families may not go forward with finding the exact cause of death with a determination medically. I know of many cases like this on a personal level.
If one would like to see one of the people that use the 40,000, pull up Google and type in
[youtube, Depression is not a chemical imbalance in your brain, Mercola].
Now Dr Mercola uses the 40,000 and he has his idea about depression. I agree with him in part but I know what causes depression beyond that but I am prohibite here by Mr. Hsiung from posting that which IMHHHO couod save your life and/or prevent you from getting a life-ruining condition.
As to the use of fluoride durring WW2, it is generally accepted as fact that the Russia used fluoride in the water to make inmates docile. Then I have other statements from the transcripts of the cross-examination of war criminals in war-crimes trials. These are on the net and in particular if you pull up the ones cross examining the doctors at Nuremburg, the last statements before those convicted of war crimes were executed, you could see for yourselves a lot that could go a long way to having more understanding as to what is plainly visible here. (see the admin board).
Now those of you that do not know of the history of psychotropic drugs could go back here in the archives and look at some of the posts of mine that I think could save your life or prevent you from getting a life-ruining condition. If you question the source of any, please post here what you want to know and I will post what you could use to substantiate what is in question. As for some of those, I am prohibited to post concerning the period from 1933 to 1945 and beyond here (see operation paperclip) by the nature of prohibitions to me from Mr. Hsiung. But I ask you, if the forum is for support and education,(redacted by respondent) and this leads then to the question as to if there are two standards here, does it not?
Then there are the statements that could arouse antisemitic feelings that are allowed to be considerd to be supportiuve here (see the admin board). Then there are the remarks to me that could stigmatize me and Jews that are allowed to stand. You can not know of all of these because another prohibition to me from Mr. Hsiung is that I can not post a link to that kind of post that could show you.
poster:Lou Pilder