Posted by bleauberry on February 5, 2012, at 7:29:10
In reply to Re: Eleuthero? Siberian Ginseng..., posted by uncouth on February 4, 2012, at 13:34:40
> does rhodiola do the same thing? why does it blow eleuthero out of the water? i take both but feel an immediate effect from eleuthero (at least sibergin brand) but don't feel much from rhodiola, if anything rhodiola is a bit speedy. what about ashwagandha, how does that compare?
You asked some awesome questions.
Ok, so this is a perfect example to highlight for anyone who reads it.....we each individually on our own must look for and identify clues.
In your case, the clues very clearly say...."my body likes eleuthero!" "My body isn't quite sure about rhodiola".
What happens in a forum discussion, and internet blog, a book, or another patient's experience....all are totally meaningless when it comes to your own personal life. Those things can help sort of give us a starting point, but that's about it. All that really matters is.....what happens to me (you) when we consume a certain substance. That is literally all that matters. Our bodies talk back and try to tell us what is good and what isn't, for us individually.
You actually fit the profile Healing Lyme where the author claims Eleuthero is the second best treatment for depression he has seen in 20 years of practice, better than pharmaceuticals. (#1 is Swedish Massage on a weekly basis). So you pretty much fit the profile of what he has seen. Me, I do not, because I respond paradoxically negatively to eleuthero.
Ashwaganda I find to be more of a calming version compared to either of the other two herbs. A better choice for insomnia issues I think. But as you can see just looking at you and me, mileage varies. The important thing is....look for the clues our body's are sending us. Obviously whatever praise I have for rhodiola might not fit you.
All that said, if it isn't doing any harm or causing an side effects, might not be a bad idea to stay with it anyway for 6 weeks or so just to see what happens. In the meantime, it looks like your primary gun is probably eleuthero, which is consistent with most literature.