Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on June 4, 2012, at 1:08:24
its a bibical statement that the imagination should be cast down, it depends how its used. People can use this to write novels, stories, also bullcrap to decieve.
I do have some trouble relating my mind to reality and have distored beliefs, and resort to spirit contact for help....telepathy...letting something know what im thinking and the horrible distress I feel inside....of course, what i've been taught my whole life is the holy spirit that searches all things, and is the comforter, im almost stupid for not following what I've been raised to believe in....its like i want to find more than just facts of religion. But the holy spirit is the only thing that I know will not screw me over, and lie and distort things. Anyways, i just hope i find what im looking for...and i resort to using substances to feel driven to know
I am not a scholar but I do understand distress.
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