Posted by uncouth on June 7, 2012, at 10:27:23
Hi guys,
So as you know i'm a longtime regular around here....and maybe as you might be aware i've had a ton of experience with treatment alternatives for bipolar disorder, etc. I believe I have stumbled upon a really good supplemental combo that is backed by very solid research specifically for bipolar depression, and specifically treating the persistent mitochondrial stress / glutamate exitotoxicity that leads to worsening symptoms in the long term.
I want to do a supplement run as a trial of a formula I want to eventually develop and market specifically for BIPOLAR DEPRESSION. We literally have ZERO good treatment options for this particular condition from an alternative formula standpoint -- and I want to create something that can be safely added on to current medications and acts more as a neuroprotective and stabilizing force. I have scouted out a few really interesting ingredients that have been released recently, and have tried them myself, and have seen the longest period of mood stability and freedom from depression in many years (I can't attribute all of that to the supplements, but I attribute a lot of that to the supplements).
Anyway, we all know how hard this particular condition is to treat, and how poor psychiatrists are at recommending alternatives to medication. If I can get a bunch of people interested (and if you can tell your friends, or others you may connect with online who have bipolar depression, bp2, etc.) I would be willing to front the cost to do a run of a few hundred bottles, and we can run our own mini experiment. Through my own many years of experience and significant research, I would use the following in very particular dose combinations:
Sodium-R-Lipoic-Acid (new form of the R-Lipoic acid)
Acetyl-L-Carnitine, possibly Arginate or Sigma-Tau version
(Possibly low dose lithium orotate)
methylcobalaminWhat do you guys think? Is anyone interested? I think this is especially useful for mood disorders which are associated with glutamate hyperactivity and mitochondrial stress (e.g. bipolar depression). I would love to see other people get some similar results as I have and hopefully we can get this formula in front of psychiatrists worldwide. Let me know if you have any questions. Oh I would do this at cost for people on this board of course, so this isn't really profit-seeking post, I'm just trying to gauge interest for a group formulation/production run.
What do you say? Phillippa, know any BP depression people? How about you Scott? I know that's your diagnosis. Have you looked into any of these supplements? Check out combo of ALA and Acetyl-L-carnitiine is actually being tested i think at McLean, and of course we are all familiar with NAC.
I would probably need at least a few dozen people to make it worth doing a production run and trial....these supplements have shown strong effects I think taken over the long term, its not like a few week antidepressant action, but a more organic, long term, disease-course total attenuation and healing (especially in the case of NAC, which had really clear benefits but only at 6 months, which were lost after washout...which sounds bad, like who wants to wait that long, but when you think about it it, is actually really unique, because it means that the underlying disease pathology changed! THat is the goal with this formula.)
What to call it?
Uncouth's Bipolar Brew? :)
Anyway i'm serious about this, so pleas let me know your thoughts EITHER WAY or feel free to tell me IF IM CRAZY.