Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on July 5, 2012, at 22:42:33
well....i gotta say alot of today and the past year i've been having repeated dreams of feeling alot of despair in them mainly because I failed to get a career by the age o mind is like going back to high school and wanting to start over from every 2 weeks ill have a dream of being in a high school its wierd also because I've been having the same place I go to in the these dreams...its like its actually a place, you know I always thought a dream was suppost to be new and not repeat itself and be like a chronical of story...which most of my dreams are like chronicals...stories that keep going on its like turning on the tv to watch a show only when your in sleep.
Wierd....but seriously inside I am torn up because of how I failed...well I havent failed but their are alot of thins in the way and prevented me from getting there, which of course I should have the mental force to find a way around these obstancles...but you know its choice to stay happy or sad for me...
anways thank for reading friend....
I am not a scholar but I do understand distress.
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