Posted by sheilac on August 6, 2012, at 18:32:24
I haven't told my family that I dropped the Trileptal that was severely depressing me and have gone up on my Lithium. BUT - everyone has made comments about how much better I seem. Guess I must have really been bad.
Trying to keep meds low - which is usually all I can take anyway. Down to 2mg of Klonopin a day. And if I dropped the Adderall, I could probably use the Klonopin as needed. Not sure.
First 2 weeks on Adderall rocked. Great for depression - still is, but I do wonder/think that maybe it has increased my irritability.
I already struggle with irritability. The Lithium has leveled the playing field, which is awesome.
I am wondering if a low dose of an antidepressant could help instead of relying on Adderall.
Keeping my doses low - would 25mg of zoloft help with anxiety and depression? I don't want to take an AD that makes me tired and lethargic. I don't want to be speedy, but I don't want to be tired and fat.
Maybe between the low dose zoloft and lithium I could be golden and only use Klonopin as needed.
I used to love Lexapro back in the day, but the generic hurts my stomach too bad and prozac makes me anxious.
The only reason I suggested zoloft is because my family doc said zoloft is good for anxiety. Of course, my family doc wants me to take BOTH zoloft and adderall. Maybe just 5mg XR of Adderall and zoloft and lithium would work? Too much?
Any other antidepressants that would be good if/when I drop the Adderall?
I just worry about dropping Adderall and gaining weight from an antidepressant + lithium. I gained 30 lbs on celexa. Another reason to hate antidepressants.