Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on August 7, 2012, at 12:34:33
well....went in and im going off zyprexa to it and my dosage to lamictal is going to 200mg. Going on the starting dose of it and moving up to 16mg...
Does anyone have any knoweldge of this medication/ what does it do, how does it make you feel...? the zyprexa is sedatin when it enters my system, which is still difficult because my body is frequently resistant to the effects of my medication. I'm so sick of this car being given all the fluids it needs and then still doesnt work right. Crush the little weasel!
anyways anything would be appriciated...
am not a scholar but I do understand distress.
Prozac 60mg
Zyprexa 20mg
Lamictal 100mg
Clonodine .1mg X 3
Nuvigil 250mg
I encourage you avoid false lights of enlightment.