Posted by schleprock on December 14, 2012, at 18:35:54
In reply to Lou's response-psaytun-2, posted by Lou Pilder on December 14, 2012, at 17:24:42
> > > > Finding God?
> > > > -yes, i've tried to find God since I was 16,
> > >
> > > You have a wonderful mind - a seeking mind. I don't doubt that you will eventually synthesize a spiritual belief system that resonates well with your core being. I find that I never truly arrive at a final destination. I constantly refine my spiritual belief system as new information becomes available through worldly experiences, new insights, emotional growth, and a philosophical dialectic.
> > >
> > > You might want to take a look at Eastern philosophies. They are not so much dogmatic religions as they are teaching tools to help one forge their own unique path to enlightenment. I do not find conflict between the spiritual paradigms of the East and the monotheistic religions of the West.
> > >
> > > Perhaps God has chosen a path for you to obtain your healings using a map that you can't see nor understand. You might be angry and frustrated with God right now. However, you might still make your peace with Him as time passes and you learn more about yourself and the world around you. Besides, why should God do it your way when He has the advantage of being omniscient? Maybe He knows better.
> > >
> > > I do not know for certain the Mind of God. Does anyone?
> > >
> > > If Satan presides over the punishment of the evil among us, doesn't that make him one of the good-guys? After all, he was God's best angel before he was sent to do God's bidding in Hell. The name "Lucifer" means "morning star" or "son of the morning". This is not a very dark reference. Does God not know his own Creation? Did He not create Lucifer to perform a special task? How could the Creator not know how Lucifer would behave in Heaven? How could God not know that Judas would betray Jesus and trigger the events that would lead to the crucifiction? How else was Jesus to serve God's purpose? Lucifer and Judas did what God wanted them to. Doesn't God get what God wants?
> > >
> > > The preceding paragraph does not represent the Truth. It does not even accurately reflect my own *current* spiritual constitution. It is simply a didactic use of a dialectic.
> > >
> > > Keep seeking. Keep learning. Keep thinking. Keep feeling. Keep communicating. It might be that when you do find God, you will realize that He had always been there for you to see as you look in any direction. Then again, maybe some other type of spirituality will work better for you.
> > >
> > > Perhaps we can discuss this on the Faith board?
> > >
> > >
> > > - Scott
> >
> > Friends,
> > It is written here,[...If {Satan} presides over the punishment of evil among us, doesn't that make him one of the good-guys....Did he not create {Lucifer} to perform a special task?...]?
> > The grammatical structure of Scott's post here could lead some to think that he is equating Satan with Lucifer. But is that true? If Scott did not want to have the potential for others to think that he is equating Satan with Lucifer, then could not Scott use a differenct grammatical structure to do so?
> > I have been writing here about a Rider on a White Horse and also stateing that He is not Christiandom's Jesus. Maybe that will be clearer going forward here. You see, there are lies about the Jews that come from people who say that the bible says what the lie is as to be true. I have come here not only to save lives but to lead people here to have Eternal Life and forgiveness from God. One way is to know what I am prevented from posting here by the prohibitions made to me by Mr Hsiung. If you were to know that, you could be healed and have a new life of peace and joy and be brought out of the darkness of depression and addiction.
> > Here is a person that made a video showing that Satan and Lucifer are not the same. This could help those that believe the lies against the Jews that some post here saying that the bible says such. You could go to the admin board and post from your perspective in the threads where there are outstanding requests from me to Mr Hsiung. Outstanding requests that I think if were responded to by Mr Hsiung could stop any antisemitic violence that I think is a potential to be fostered here by the nature that antisemitic statements are allowed to stand here.
> > Mr Hsiung is allowing the epithet directed toward me ,{The Prince of Death} and Mr Hsiung also not only allows it, but he also uses it and encourages members to {offset} me, whatever that could mean.
> > My friends, the Prince of Death is Satan, and it is a lie that I am Satan.
> > And wen I had an enconter with the Rider on the White Horse, he said to me, "I am the root and offspring of David and the bright and morning star."
> > Lou
> >
> Friends,
> Here is an article with more concerning Lucifer. Now the importance here is that I am prevented from posting what has been revealed to me that could save your life and lead you to Eternal Life by the prohibitions made to me here by Mr Hsiung. And yet today, I can not post here what could release you from the bondage of ignorance while lies are being allowed to be posted here about the Jews and the lie that I am the Prince of Death.
> about Pazuzu? Is he Satan? I always wondered.