Posted by LouisianaSportsman on October 16, 2013, at 20:51:19
Hello, everyone! I recently made a topic on this forum that received few responses, unfortunately; however, I did like the responses I did receive. phidippus, Eric, are you there??
[301.13] Cyclothymic Disorder
[314.00] Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive Type
[296.35] Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, In Partial Remission
[300.02] Generalized Anxiety DisorderHere is a link to my previous thread: you read through the thread, you'll notice there is the original post and then a follow-up post regarding what the p-doc did the second visit. If I was to post this thread within the old one, this would be my third pdoc visit.
What I'm trying to get at is-- I was trying to get my mood and anxiety meds correct first before moving on to ADHD meds. Isn't this the established way to do it? Instead, the PDOC says it's best to tackle the ADHD first and then maybe the anxiety and depression and mood will be alleviated. Is this true? I never really looked at it that way.
The PDOC wrote me Aplenzin 522mg. (brand-name bupropion hydrobromide salt instead of hydrochloride salt substituted that comes in a 522mg. tablet equipotent to Wellbutrin XL 450mg., it also stops you from taking 3 Wellbutrin XL 150mg.'s to achieve that 450mg. dosage as well). I was on Aplenzin 522mg. in the past and was taken off of it to try Pristiq. I am familiar with the effects of this dosage. I get no side effects. In fact, it has been many hours since I took my first dose after I got it out of the pharmacy today and you might as well have told me I took a sugar pill.
Also, the PDOC wrote #90 Adderall (amphetamine salts) IR 10mg. These stimulants are going on top of the Nuvigil 250mg. I am already taking. Sounds like quite a knock-out punch for ADHD?? LOL.
But for real though is this a good idea you think? I was thinking about: Mirapex (pramipexole), Namenda (memantine), Rilutek (riluzole) and Topamax (topiramate) among others.
Basically, I wanted to tackle my anxiety, depression, and mood symptoms. The PDOC says these may go away with the ADHD being treated properly. I sure hope so!
I honestly believe the advice the PDOC gives me because the PDOC is one of the best and works with me with my medicine suggestions and gives great input.
Secondly, in addition to my ADHD question, I wanted general responses to what do you guys think of this current medication regimen. Also, feel free to ask me any questions about my medicine.
I am now taking:
Abilify (aripiprazole) 10mg. for 296.35; 301.13
Adderall (amphetamine salts) 30mg. [10mg. TID] for 314.00
Aplenzin (bupropion hydrobromide) 522mg. for 314.00; 295.35
Lamictal (lamotrigine) 200mg. for 301.13
Nuvigil (armodafinil) 250mg. for 314.00
Neurontin (gabapentin) 1,800mg. [400mg. QID] for 300.02
Pristiq (desvenlafaxine) 50mg. for 296.35What would you suggest augmenting next if symptoms don't improve? I was thinking that maybe the PDOC is right; ADHD symptom alleviation would help remove "The Sadness". "The Sadness" is my colloquial term for this depressed feeling I get randomly that comes and goes [301.13].
Any suggestions or comments will be greatly appreciated! Feel free to ask me any questions about my medication.