Posted by Phil on February 13, 2014, at 20:16:57
$800 a month would put me in Medicare no mans land. so it's seroquel and dystonia which is one of the most painful conditions i've ever had. taking a shower is nearly impossible. i take clonzapine for that. this morning i added 4 ibuprofen.
he's pulling me off of lithium because it sucks vitamins out of your body.(i know that's technical) at least i'll be able to write again. Actually i'm curious about the lithium.
i have to look at the bright side, given time latuda will suck like all the rest.
I would have asked more questions but i was slurring words so bad i couldn't understand me.
30 years looking for that magic pill. what a racket. i'll save you time. it ain't out there.