Posted by kribensis on April 4, 2014, at 10:39:12
In reply to Botox improves 52% of depressed by at least 50%, posted by Hugh on April 3, 2014, at 10:09:53
Please be careful using botox!
Botulinum toxin is the most potent NEUROTOXIN on the planet. It damages nerves! What you are not told is that is spreads VERY easily. (And when you think about it, what substance could every be injected into the body without spreading to a certain extent?).
Dr's don't tell you this when they are injecting you, but you can get botulism from the injections. There is no known treatment or cure for this and it is way more common than you think. Usually on forms they say that a little bruising or headache could result even though they are legally suppose to inform you of the true risks.
I had cosmetic botox injections a few times. Looking back, the first few times I was getting some spreading but didn't realize that is what it was (trap nerve pain, trouble sleeping, some anxiety). My last injections 3 years ago sent me to the ER by ambulance 2 days after my injections. I had iatrogenic botulism and it took me 2.5 years to recover. I consider myself fortunate as some people never recover. One woman I know is in a wheelchair from her COSMETIC botox injections 2 years after her last injections. I have been in touch with at least 100 people who have had severe reactions and that is only who I have been in touch with.
Many people have side effects and don't attribute them to botox as many dr's aren't even aware of the possible side effects. Insomnia, depression, anxiety, rage, fibro like symptoms, gallbladder problems, digestive problems, nerve issues anywhere on the body, muscle spasms anywhere on the body, heart palps, headaches, diarrhea, panic attacks, constipation, blurry vision, dry eyes, dry mouth, etc., etc. As the toxin affects the autonomic nervous system, it can affect any system in the body. Symptoms can start immediately after injections to several weeks later. That is why it is often difficult to connect the injections to the symptoms.
I am not talking about black market botox! I am talking about real botox injected by a trained and certified physician. And it is like playing russian roulette... just because you were fine with previous injections, it doesn't mean that you won't have a severe reaction one time. Dr's downplay the effects and side effects are way underreported because they don't want to acknowledge it as it is such a big money maker.
When it spreads significantly, it is like being tortured day after day and nothing helps. Unless you have been through it you would think I was exaggerating but it is pure hell, not something I would wish on my worst enemy. Although I am "recovered" I am not the "same" and have PTSD issues from the experience.
I know this won't stop most of you from getting injections but I would encourage you to at least do some research on it and actually to know and understand the facts. I understand that there are risks with many things (even antidepressant and antianxiety drugs!) but the studies on botox were skewed in order to get it approved.
Here is a great site to get more information:
www.botoxcommunitysupport.comGreat to watch: