Posted by mogger on December 27, 2014, at 21:29:41
Hi there,
I have been blown away as to how helpful lithium has been for my depression. I have been at 1500mgs a day for a depression (5 300mg tablets of the ER version) and feel great however my libido has plummeted. My doctor has been away and he mentioned before he left that we could try lowering the lithium carbonate (controlled release) if the decreased libido does not subside but I can't get in touch with him as he is a away to ask him how to proceed. As these are extended release tablets you can't split them correct? I want to get down to the 1350mgs so I was thinking I could either alternate taking 4 tablets one night and 5 tablets the next to get an average of 1350 or just split the tablet? Sorry if this is complicated but any help would be appreciated. Many thanks.