Posted by rjlockhart37 on October 15, 2015, at 10:15:21
I just looked up the price, Provigil is vary expensive......even in the generic form, compared to nuvigil......
i watched a video saying that modfinil is more for "creative thinking" or critical thinking, and armodrafinil is for "getting going, gettings things done"
that's kinda like adderall and dexedrine, adderall is known to buzz in the mornings, speedy feeling, and dexedrine is less speedy, yet it has the stronger isomer dextroamphetamine, which adderall is amphetamine (1/4) and the levo isomer on amphetamine is psyically stimulating and target more NE receptors, more norepinephrine.....
but anyways, i was thinking about swtiching and provigil is freaking high in price, i cant believe it.......
not a genius but understand pain
"unheard pain is told through good company