Posted by paulb on December 24, 2015, at 14:09:59
First off this tip doesnt just apply to pregabalin but to gabapentin as well. you will have to try and find one that suits you best. gabapentin works for me on its own, pregabalin doesnt. A few years ago i was on lamotrigine and i found that the pregabalin came to life however i needed to take 750 mg pregab(a slangg term for it down were i live) also a physician i was seeing was prescribing up to 900mg of the stuff off label at te time im not sure he still is... it may not work for a lot of people because clonazepam had the same effect at high dose because it has sodium channel blocing properties like lamotrigine but you see for most people clonazepam makes them sleepy and tired and less anxious. It didnt with me but when i added pregabalin the pregabalin really worked with it. if you want to ask me any questions about this feel free. pb