Posted by bleauberry on March 12, 2018, at 15:25:20
In reply to Bleauberry please help me, posted by Jeroen on March 10, 2018, at 15:52:12
Hi Jereon. Great to talk with you again!
Hey I have a question. Can you get access to herbal supplements? Can you order herbs on the internet? Do you have money to buy them?
The reason I ask is because if you could get your hands on several specific herbs, I would list them for you, and you took them starting at very low doses, ramping up to higher doses over months, and plan on taking these as part of your regular routine for several years. If you can do that, you have real solid potential of erasing significant amounts of your psychiatric symptoms.
I do not believe MIno by itself is going to be curative. All it is going to do is kill a certain spectrum of bacteria. But there are other issues going on and other organisms. If you ever got bit by a tick, which it sounds likely, you were potentially exposed to Borrelia, Bartonella, Mycoplasma, Epstein Barr virus, Babesia, and a few more pathogenic monsters. Mino will deal very well with Borrelia but not the others. Mycoplasma is a cell-wall deficient bacteria, just a blob, changes shape, and likes to live inside of our blood cells. Most antibiotics work through the cell wall so they won't work on Mycoplasma very well. But some herbs do really well. Babesiosis is from a parasite similar to the Malaria parasite and is treated with malaria drugs and herbs.
All of them cause psychiatric symptoms because their poop, pee, and excretions - toxins - have affinity for our brain receptors. I know for sure they have affinity for opioid receptors in the brain because one dose of Vicodin, which has stronger affinity, will totally knock them out of the receptor and you feel great within hours. I have experienced that dozens of times. Scientific studies demonstrate how all sorts of odd-ball toxic chemicals from infections hit the brain. So it is no wonder we get brain symptoms and psychiatric drugs fall short. They do nothing to address the actual problems.
You can get a lot better with just several choices of herbal capsules/pills and no medicines at all. I would stay with psych meds that help you. Don't give up on them until you feel progress which would be months miminum. I didn't even experience improvement in my own treatment until after a full year! And it was 3 years total until remission! The body heals itself at about the same rate as your fingernails grow. I view it as sort of like peeling layers of an onion. Every month is another layer.
Red spots are commonly Bartonella and Babesia. Borrelia more often does rashes, usually the bullseye rash, but only half the time. Many people never get a rash or spots and therefore never suspect the actual problem.
If you can get prescriptions for antibiotics this is a really, really good combo that will cover a wide spectrum of all of those organisms I mentioned - Azithromycin AND Rifampin combo. Amazing. Especially amazing for psychiatry. This is the combo that turned the corner for me a few years ago. And again just a couple weeks ago with a relapse. That combo knocked the relapse down in 2 weeks, after failing at everything else for 3 months! So if you can get Azithor and Rifampin, cool! Doxy with Rifampin is also very good for psychiatry, but Azithro with Rifampin is a notch better.
The reason I say start at super low doses and plan on a very long time frame is so you can avoid the harsh Herxheimer reactions. That is a fancy name for bacterial die-off, which overwhelms the body with inflammation and debris from so much death and body parts. That is why you felt good initially on Mino, but then you crashed and got worse. That was likely a "Herx" - too much die-off too fast. I was so sick when I first started treatment my doc started me on 25mg of Mino and that felt too strong! :-) But months later I was doing 200mg no problem.
So two things to think about:
1. 3 to 5 herbal supplements ordered on the internet (I can supply you with the sources, brands, doses, cost, everything)
2. Rifampin/Azithro combo first choice, or Rifampin/Doxy combo.
3. This is not the same as psychiatry. I think it works tons better than psychiatry. But it takes time. Months. Maybe a couple years. Plan on that. Make it your goal to get better, know that your enemy is tough, and know that you can beat the enemy!
> Hey buddy,
> I believe you. i think i have a tick sh*t thing going on too i spend a lot of time in the woods while i was a kid and older too before hell broke loose.
> i had red spots on my head the barber said before i got sick.
> Should i try doxycycline
> my psychiatrist cannot help me anymore
> and we all know minocycline 50 mg even such a low dose cured me for weeks not taking it even i was cured after taking only 3 doses but quit it due to hallucinations, severe depression
> please help me buddy im waiting for your advice on doxy or any new therapy i might try