Posted by zonked on July 27, 2020, at 6:03:17
I hope someone sees this. I live in the SF bay area but will buy from anywhere within 100 miles or mail order, the entire CVS, Target, Walgreens and Kaiser systems are backordered with both generics and brand in the US. I have 16 days supply left, down to 75mg/day from 100mg/day.
Also, my doctor and I are considering that I won't be able to get more in time. I am worried because I've tried so many things that didn't work, among them:
Marplan (isocarboxazid) - 1 month at max dose (Forget what that was, 60? nothing. had trauma in my life at the time though, my Mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer around that time)
Parnate (tranylcipromine): Good for several years. Tried it during a spell a few years ago and no perceived benefit after several weeks at 100mg/day (40mg/day over the max) EMSAM (selegiline patch), oral selegiline: made me irritable and "snappy" SSRIs: Don't work or make me mixed (bipolar NOS) Burpropion: Gave me panic attacks
I am thinking of switching to Marplan , is anyone else considering doing this? How did your doctor cross titrate you?
PS babblers: 19 months clean from drugs and alcohol and otherwise doing well. C-PTSD and ASD (Aspergers) , ADHD are the core roots of my psychological issues, DBT has helped immensely. Also this account is tied to an old email address so I won't be able to see babblemail and I will check for replies manually.
Gratefully, zonked