Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 23, 2022, at 10:25:34
been on lithium now for about 3-4 months. I'm on latuda now, getting off zyprexa, latuda - im taking 120mg right now, it ... says its suppost to be antidepressant properties, but when i take 120mg at dinner my mood sinks, like been blunted, less intrested or its blocking D2 receptors. Zyprexa is a sedative, and yes it has been a good med for years, but i've been on it too long. I don't know about latuda, lower doses seemed to have antidepressant affect, but higher doses produce more dyphoria. And im on lithium, yes lithium has antidepressant affects, but im more suttle like my usaly self is not there. My doctor reduced prozacc because we had a urgent depression situation. But i noticed after it was reduced to 40, anxiety started being more. 80mg is a safetly net, for both depression and anxiety, and my doctor just doenst want to go back up. Yes, lithium is a good depression med, but all i want is back on 80mg of fluoxetine. I'll....its like my doctor ignores what i say, doenst take me seriously, and like im some barcode number. Anyways, i just had to vent, latuda - maybe it's just a short time then mood will improve. Zyprexa ends in 20 days. It's sedative affects were good, but at same time, felt like a sack of bricks on me, slow in function. Hopefully somehow my doctor will listen to me. It's long story about all this, but had to vent this. Thanks for readsing
"There comes a time in your life where you have to choose to turn the page, write another book, or simply close it"
-Shannon L Alder