Posted by inthegloaming on December 6, 2004, at 14:33:49
oh god.
in the mirror this morning i saw my stomach and nearly died.
red stretch marks.
wouldn't be so bad if they weren't there.
i hate them. a lot.
ugly ugly ugly. it feels like they'll never go away and i'll never do this and i'll never be what i want and i just want to wake up and have the weight and the marks and the grossness to be GONE.
end braindump.
felt lousy for getting suckered into eating bad-for-you brunch yesterday (sunday) and indulging in candy. threw out the rest of my oversized candycane--i do so love those.
well, now i know that i have to stick stick stick to this plan come hell or high water because i can go by the wayside so easily if i don't.
thanks for listening.