Posted by clarinette on December 28, 2004, at 19:34:30
I have been losing weight at an alarming rate over the last two months, more than 7kg (that's 16 pounds for you )and it's not intentionel. I wasn't overweight and now I'm underweight.
The two psychiatrists that I see ( one is specialist in bipolar disorder, the other I've been seeing regularly for four years )tell me that this anorexia, like the insomnia (it's 2h20 here and I took my pills to sleep at midnight ...) will pass when I get out of this depressive phase. The specialist has put me on a low dose of effexor (venlafaxine chlorohydrate, in case it doesn't have the same name over there) to try to get me 'up' a bit whilst waiting to up the dose of lamictal, I'm on 100mg a day after 2 months treatment.
I don't know what to do to stop this downward spiral. My psychiatrist mentioned a hospitalisation for the time it takes to get the meds up to the right dose, (apparently it could be done quicker in hospital) but I don't like the idea, I'd me too scared that it would become what we call over her un HDT, 'hospitalisation on the demande of a third party' which means basicly that you get locked into the psychiatric ward, I don't feel I could cope with that.
My gp has prescribed me energy drinks to replace the meals that I just can't eat. I ate too much a couple of nights ago, felt nauseus, and was sick in the middle of the night (I didn't make myself sick, it just happened) .
I'm very worried by this downward spiral, I wonder where and when it's going to end.