Posted by Maxime on June 20, 2005, at 13:16:32
In reply to Re: I feel toxic :-( » Maxime, posted by panthers!!! on June 16, 2005, at 14:02:37
HI. Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried that exercise before. I do a lot of CBT on my own because I have no money to see a therapist.
You wrote " We all have all sorts of problems, crises, mistakes...some of the time"
Well for me it's ALL of the time. And it's too much.
But thanks again. I appreciate your effort.
> Hi. I saw your thread and I have to say that it is really too bad that you have such negative thoughts and opinions of yourself.
> If you look at your thread, notice how many times you use words to describe yourself that you probably would be angry if someone else called you. "idiot, worthless ****, I don't deserve, and so on...
> In order to help yourself, you must acknowledge that you are human. Human means that no matter what setbacks you face or triumphs you accomplish, you are unique and alive. You are here for a purpose, sometimes it may not be known what that may be just yet, but we all do!
> We all have all sorts of problems, crises, mistakes...some of the time.
> We all also have all sorts of joy, happiness, achievements...the rest of the time.
> You absolutely need to really understand who you are, how far you have come, and how you are your first priority! You will always be with you and you need to realize that all of these horrible words you use to describe yourself and your situation is actually going to keep you feeling down. It is easier to stay in pain that we are familiar with because we already know what to expect from it. To actually make yourself aware of what is causing your pain, sadness, etc. and then take ACTION to get out of this pain if you do not want to really be in this pain, is the most rewarding and exhilirating experience you will ever EVER know.
> Split a piece of paper into 4 columns.
> COLUMN 1: Write down a list of all of your reasons you feel you have no self-esteem.List everything you think is an issue that is stopping you from being the person you want to be.
> COLUMN 2: Write down ALL of the negative or bashing words you say to yourself day after day after day to describe yourself and/or your circumstances, such as "idiot".
> COLUMN 3: Write down ALL of the words that are the exact opposite of the 2nd column.
> COLUMN 4: Write down all you want to accomplish and/or have accomplished. Even the small things. (Finished a course in school, sporting event, baby, wedding, jobs, etc.) EVERYTHING!
> Now, from now on, column 1 and 2 are not allowed anymore. When you find yourself says nasty names to yourself, find it in your "old me" list, and look for its opposite.
> Go look at yourself in the mirror and say the "New Me" word you found in the list.
> Practice this every day and you will begin to feel like your stepping closer to being the real you...
> Every time you feel you are going to blame yourself or low self- esteem on an issue or challenge, you will look at column 4 and remind yourself of an accomplishment or a goal you are GOING to set.
> When you meet or exceed your goals, write them down. The more you have done, write it down on your list. Write down the day you stop saying damaging things to yourself! That is a real accomplishment!
> I assure you if you are honestly doing this, you will absolutely have a whole new outlook sooner than you think!
> YOU CAN DO IT! YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE! LIFE IS WONDERFUL! There may be some rocky roads, steep hills, but there are also beautiful mountaintops and blue skies all for YOU!