Posted by RealMe on October 27, 2007, at 2:59:09
In reply to Well, I called... » Poet, posted by Racer on October 26, 2007, at 13:24:52
I am glad you guys are doing this. Had a mamogram in September and okay; had the damn gyn appt. in June and fine there but she wanted me to reduce the hormones. Thank God PCP is willing to keep prescribing them. I have been on them for forever due to early menopause. I can't think staright without them. I had my parathyroid level checked again because I told him in the past that it was up, and I have a bone density test I am supposed to schedule plus a chest x-ray as I have been coughing up blood stained sputum for almost three weeks now. So I started that antibiotic, and boom I lost five pounds after four days. What the heck is going on with my body???? I am scared I have lung cancer because one of the reasons for elevated blood calcium level, etc. is lung cancer which I am very high risk for with my COPD and what I hope is just an acute exacerbation of bronchities. Don't mess around as the depression can also be linked to these damn physical things too. I have not even said anything to my therapist yet. I guess I want to know what the hell is going on. My last bone density test said osteopnia and not osteophoriosis or how ever the hell you spell them. I am determined to try to lose some weight the right way. According to everything, I am overweight by about 10 pounds now at the upper limit.
I am so glad you guys are taking care of things as I used to do the same, and now I have to bite the bullet and just do it even if I hate taking off my clothes for a doctor, and a male one at that. Sh*t. I don't believe I did it. Was I nuts to not follow my female PCP where she went??? Maybe, but this guy is a better doctor I think. Oh crap. I just keep saying. He has seen lots of women without there clothes on. UGHHHH!!!