Posted by karen_kay on December 4, 2006, at 8:34:02
10. the most beautiful boy in the world is mine! his baby giggles and cooing always help to pick me up (especially first thing in the morning! it's hard to be grumpy with a beautiful boy giggling at you, isn't it?) i LOVE this age for him. just bweginning to attempt to crawl, sitting up on his own. learning so much every day.
9. two little girls that love their aunt kk. little girl giggles are alwyas fun to hear too. (though, this morning there were some problems with one. fussy-butt didn't want to get ready for school adn was yelling at her mom! looks like someone needs to go to bed earlier, eh?)
8. a wonderful husband (who had to change breaks last night, poor guy! and our garage is packed full of stuff from storage, so he had to work in the cold. poor guy!) who brings me flowers almost everyday. and loves me more than i know what to do with. i'm very lucky to have found such a wonderful man, father and husband.
7. a beautiful sister who i live with. she's also a wonderful cook (though! when she cooks, the kitchen becomes a disaster area. i don't know what she does in that kitchen when she cooks, but at least the food is worth the mess!) she's a sweetheart, who'll do anything in the world for me (and my boy! she gave him a bath the other night and put him to bed for me. isn't she sweet?)
6. health and happiness (and a dr's apt. this week! tomorrow actually! wonderful timing!)
5. babbleland! it's the perfect cure for boredom, loneliness, and giving support when needed. thanks babbleland and the wonderful people here!
4. winter is coming, winter is coming!!!! and kk just loves the snow!
3. a phone with the option of turning the ringer off! (my mom doesn't live too awful far away, but it's nice to know if i don't want to talk to her, i can turn the ringer off and 'forget' that i did it (no better excuse for not picking up the phone than having the ringer off for a few days and conviniently forgetting!)
2. ice tea in a jug, pop tarts, cake mix in a box (brownies too for that matter!), pancakes, coffee (cioffee, coffee!!!) and rj reynolds! thank you, thank you, thank you!]
1. christmas is coming! already have presents for the girls bought. presents for my husband bought! almost doen with one sister! goodness, i've been busy and didn't even realize it. as much as i LOVE getting presents, i love ti even more watching little girls open bratz dolls, barbie, and teddy bears! i'm so happy to be able to buy presents for everyone. and friday, we're going to a christmas tree farm and letting the girls pick out the perfect tree. i can't wait!
so, there are just 10 things i'm happy for today. who else has a list of ten?