Posted by karen_kay on November 26, 2007, at 14:05:53
1. mother f*ck*r; used in a sentence: MOTHER F*CK*R, it's cold!
2. G$d d$mnit! G$d d$mnit, i can't quit pacing!
3. j$sus chr$st. J$sus chr$st mister kk, where have you been? (also j$sus chr$st on a bicycle is used in this house, due to a dream my sister once had about the exact same thing)
4. son of a b$tch. (mostly used as it's own phrase) Son of a b$tch! i dropped a whole pumpkin pie and i'm still serving it!
5. sh*t hole. this house looks like a sh$thole!
6. f*ck. (after coughing from smoking joe camel) F*CK!
7. blechy! (is that a swear word? i think so. you would too if you smelled my son's diapers!) used after changing diapers! also used after cleaning food from duck's mouth 1 hour after it was supposed to have been eaten.
8. h$ly m$ry.... again used after cleaning up sh*t around the house that has no reason for being there before a child was around.
9. h$ly sh$t. used when finding a child hanging from a ceiling fan, hanging on curatins, a space heater bursting into flames (no freakin joke! not anoher fire!!!), and random assortment of h$ly sh$t moments on a daily basis!
10. did i mention m$ther f$cker? it comes out daily.
now, of course, i'm able to control my swearing. i don't pop into walmart, find they're out of the diapers i use and burst into a line of (n$mber 1, n$mber 3, and n$mber 5.). it doesn't work like that. however, when i get around my family, who speaks much like i do, i find i speak these phrases more and more.
i fear number one will be my son's first words. i hope, at least, it will be when he's hanging from the curtains or wiping p@@p from his face when he says it.
there, that b@@sted my self esteem!!!