Posted by karen_kay on December 29, 2007, at 8:48:41
10. not having to see family for a while!!!
8. this is the first christmas my son was able to enjoy. he was too young up to this point to understand openign presents. this year, he dug in and tore presents open that werent' even his!
7. fresh ground coffee beans.
6. my son makes animal noises. he knows how kitties, doggies, sheep and cows go. he's a genius!!!!
5. hearing "uh oh!' everytime duckie drops his sippie, everytime something falls over, every time i drop something. pretty much all the time.
4. my friend/homeless woman who lives with me has a job now! double yahoo!!!!
3. i'm moving. we're thinking about leaving the kid here :) i'm convinced he can survive on his own! 3 bedrooms, no roomates!
2. mister kk has time off for the new year. and after the last time i drank maker's mark, i'm the dd. (so, i guess this is a sober kk?)
1. a new year!!!!