Posted by karen_kay on February 12, 2008, at 15:25:07
seriosly, i don't know what day it is and really have no reason to. god, i'm becoming a real hermit!
10. COFFEE!!! no half and half, but i've got whole milk to pour in it.
9. 2 am. that's when mister kk will be gatting off work. they screw with him alot and give him the 'odd' schedules. i'll have halkf and half then too! yahoo 2 am!
8. no fighting in this house! good lord, we haven't fought in quite a while. i'm almost tempoted to start a fight, jsut because it's been so long. wowsa!
7. a duck. my son is perfect! he now has a full, white smile (though bites you when you stick your finger in his mouth to get a look at his teefers). Yahoo to sharp, little, white teeth! (oh, adn he LOVES brushing them too! good for him, starting good habits early!)
6. cable tv. on demand. i've watched 13 episodes of 'intervention'. is it really so wrong to get high and watch intervention? sometimes, i wish someone would have an intervention for me, jstu so i could get away for a while. is that really so bad?
5. clean clothes! i do laundry ALL the time. an di always have clean clothes. my son too! and even mister kk!
4. telephones, visitors, beer, husbands who use their day off to watch a bunch of kids so his wife and sister can go out, did i mention cable tv?, coffee, sugar, peanutbutter cookies, girl scout cookies (they're really so much better than homemade ones.), joe camel and the new pack design, recycling available where i live, windows that open (hey, in my old house, some windows didn't!), music, being a pirate and swiping music online, seeign my sister happy for the first time in quite a while, cameras, even the cold breeze!
3. my lighter collection. i collect lighters, and i'm quite a bitch when people swipe my lighters. i'm glad i collect something, other than beer caps (sorry, an old habit i picked up a whiel back).
2. babble! friends form babble who call and check on you, calling friends from babble and checking on them (beware jammer!!!!), feeling helpful and having people around who are helpful!
1. sippy cups! whoever invented them deserves a castle on an island with lots of naked women/men (hey, i don't know what the inventor ogf sippy cups gets into!), all the food s/he can eat, a river of red wine and a creek with white wine, and tori amos to sing to him/her every single day! thank you sippy cup inventor! without you, my carpet, clothes and car would be stained beyond repair!!!man, that was easy! i must be doing well :)
who's next? come on now, my number one is the sippy cup! you can do it!