Posted by karen_kay on February 18, 2008, at 10:36:16
In reply to haven't done one of these in a while, posted by LlurpsieNoodle on February 18, 2008, at 9:14:12
10. not being the first person to do a 'monday 10'!
9. my duck, who loves to crawl in the dishwasher, helps me unload it (even if they are still dirty. he's a helper!), is beign a brat today, has the cutest little legs i've ever seen (hey, i AM his momma!), was a glorious boy for one day this weekend, says momma and dada like it's no big deal, sings alicia keys' song 'no one', dances way better than his mom ever could and is just a joy to be around (when he's sleeping anyway :)8. new blend at starbucks. making a special delivery to my sister and also my mother. hey, it's like crack, only jsut a tad bit cheaper!
7. visitor coming in ONE day!!!!! germs don't survive in this house, so a cold better not stop my visitor!
6. the telephone (which my son loves!!!). i'd kiss the man who invented it, but he's been dead quite a while and i don't want to catch a sickness from kissing dead people (i'm sure it'd make one sick, woudln't it?)
5. getting magazines, pie (homemade too!), a babysitter, company and loving 8 am phonecalls every morning from my wonderful sister. she dumped her boyfriend right before her birthday and v-day (good for her! she deserves better anyway!), and now i'm spending lots of time with her. i adore my sister and am sooo very blessed to have such a wonderful gal in my life! YAHOO babs! (and did i mention she's gorgeous?)
4. a husband who cleans the kitchen on the weekends! that's a rarity, no?
3. a new face mask, skin peel that works for once!!!! YAHOO!!!
2. a dozen red roses that are just beginning to open up.
1. my butt. no, i'm not kidding. it's looking FAN-F*CK*NG-TASTIC right now! bye bye flat butt, hello round one!!! now, if only my boobs would cooperate and grow, i'd be set!!!