Posted by karen_kay on February 19, 2008, at 11:58:32
10. beign able to meet people i would never have dreamed of meeting, due to babble! thank you mister bob for that! some of these people are jsut plain perfect and i'm honored ot have met them, corresponded with them, and really just plain love them. thanks again!!!
9. babble's a pretty good 'time waster' when i'm bored and there's nothign good on tv. i can spend hours on here, without even realizing the time has gone by.
8. being able to express myself, write stupid little stories that are actually pretty entertaining, adn connecting with people through writing.
7. finding a new 'love interest' everyday! gosh, if only i could marry 100 people, life would be perfect. (oh wait, maybe i can just have affairs with 100 people. wowsa, that'd make one hell of a movie!!!)
6. getting little packages from people, bewing able to send little notes and packages to people, talking on the phone with people who've poured their hearts out on this board. i really can't express how much the people here at babble mean to me. geez, i've been at this for how many years now? about 4 or 5 and i've met some pretty darn cool people!
5. wakign up first thing, while drinking coffee and watching a duck play with plug-ins, and reading babble. that's a great thing to do first thing in the morning!
4. these 10 lists! seeing that they don't have to say 'i flew a plane today' or 'i went to some fancy schmancy restaraunt for dinner'. i like the simple ones, the ones that are so true. coffee is always a reason to be happy and keep going. babbble should always be on my 10 list.
3. knowing there are people out there who really do care about me. of course, i have family and an odd lot of friedns who check on me, from time to time, but it seems the people at babble really are the bestest at 'checking up' on people and making sure they're ok. thanks for that guys/ladies. i really appreciate that!
2. mister bob. seeing his handsome face when iopene the page (and imagining him naked :) sure makes my day! you'd have to be nuts to be in a bad mood with mister bob smiling right at you!!!
1. me!!!!! gosh, i love me. i'm pretty darn great :) and my butt's getting bigger and looking FANFU$KINTASTIC!!!! maybe toph wil put up that picture of my butt i sent him, for all of babble land to see? i really do like this place, almost as much as i like my *ss :)