Posted by rayww on April 3, 2004, at 14:13:14
I have some questions for the Christians (believers in Jesus Christ). When you think of the commandments, or the laws of obedience, do you think of blessings/rewards/punishments/consequences in the here and now or the hereafter, or both, or neither? did God give us commandments and laws?
There are over 1200 "thou shalts" found in the scriptures where god is commanding individuals, specific groups, or the whole world. If god said to you, "thou shalt", would you take that as a personal commandment? about when god says, "Thus saith the Lord"?
Of 513 references containing the text, "thus saith the Lord", who did God speak to the most?
Jeremiah wins with 146. Next comes Ezekiel with 125. Then we drop way down to Isaiah with 34, Kings 31. Malachi, with only one, had the last "thus saith the Lord" word in the Old Testament. must have been something going on with Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
There are no "thus saith the Lords" found in the New Testament, probably because the Lord was there in person. opinion, as a Christian (follower of Jesus Christ) is that we receive the Lord's blessings for obedience to His commandments, laws, and ordinances in the here and now, as well as the hereafter Whatever principle of light, intelligence, and wisdom we attain to in this life will follow us into the next. We take our light and knowledge with us. (light meaning faith)
Is there anything (in the here and now) that we who suffer might do to improve our own mental health by paying more attention to God's counsel as found in the scriptures, specifically the words of Jesus Christ in the New Testament? We might find, not surprising, that the key to happiness in the here and now is love. God's love for us, our love for one another, and our love for God. Love and obedience surely must be connected. If ye love me, keep my commandments.
We have the right to know the commandments and to claim the promises.