Posted by Jai Narayan on September 21, 2004, at 21:22:33
As we bed down
the crisp night air nips
we are settling into the bliss of the dark
my hands form a tent
and the prayer
"Angel of God..."
my murmuring breath calls out
"My guarden dear..."
I reach those who have watched over me
"To whom God's love..."
I mouth this prayer as I tremble with fear
people have scared me today
the rage
My god, how much anger can I endure
"commites me here..."
why do I have to be on this planet
"ever this day be at my side"
I have never taken a step without this protection
"to light and guard..."
How cruel people can be...
their words cut like a knife
a knife
"to rule and guide"
I need your steady hand god
who can argue with Amen....
I rest....
those who would do harm back away
find your own fate
I am safe here in gods hands
I am alive in spite of you who would do me harm
I invoke Archangle Micheal to protect me
I am safe
god is
we are
poster:Jai Narayan