Posted by Searchlight on October 11, 2003, at 17:50:53
A divorce can be very much like a death- the loss of someone who was once (and still is in ways) important to you. It is the death of dreams, hopes, wishes, comapnionship and a lot of other things you once had together. My 2nd divorce was final almost exactly 2 years ago. I had no children from either marriage. But still there is a hole. I was the one to leave both times, and the 2nd one particularly devestated me. I have had bad depression all my life on and off and thank God for the anti-depressants I was on at the time! I still feel empty and sad and as I grow older (I am almost 38), it gets harder and harder to meet anyone I feel compatible with. It's gotten so hard to make the effort because I have gotten so decision-phobic (but I am not committment-phobic) about relationships due to the failure of both of my marriages. There is a lot to the story about my 2nd ex-husband, but I don't want to go into details. It is just very hard, especially holidays and birthdays. I would really appreciate anyone else's feedback on the subject. It still hurts, and I am definitely one of those people who loves and wants to be married.