Posted by Larry Hoover on December 28, 2005, at 12:01:52 [reposted on December 28, 2005, at 23:31:36 | original URL]
In reply to Re: Very low FSH but normal testosterone...WTF???, posted by MrBrice on December 28, 2005, at 11:06:20
> Hey larry,
> here's the test results: (they are taken BEFORE any hormone medication)Okay.
> FSH 1.6 IU/lHere's one of the things you're going to run into, is differences in interpretation of what is a normal level. Accounting for differences in units, I found two different "normal range" value sets for men. One showed 1.5 - 12.4 IU/L as normal, whereas another showed 5.0 - 20.0 IU/L as normal.
The normal range might reflect the way the lab did the assessment, which is why I mentioned the lab normal range values in my last response. It is therefore possible that different methods might account for the different normal range values. It should say on your lab report what the normal values for that method are.
I would interpret your FSH as abnormally low (partly because you are young), but that is still dependent on the method used by the lab.
> LH 4.3 IU/L (pretty normal i think)
The values I find for LH are also in two sets. The first set has 7.0 - 24.0 IU/L as normal, and the other has 1.0 - 9.0 IU/L as normal. Again, it could be a method issue. Your value looks abnormally low, in one set, but quite normal, in the other.
> oestradiol 19.5 pg/ml
> progesteron 0.98 ng/mlThis value is borderline high (maximum 1.0 ng/ml). Zero is the low end limit, so this may be of some significance, also.
> prolactine 12.8 ng/ml
> DHEAS 377.4 mcg/dl
> Total testosteron 6373 pg/ml
> free testosterone 125.7 pg/ml
> from what i know of endicronology, i'd say everything looks pretty normal except for the FSH right?Depending on the normal ranges used by your lab, your LH might be off, and also progesterone.
> my psydoc says my FSH is indeed very low, but it's nothing to worry about cause my LH, testosterone etc look normal...
> I'm quite shure tough my problem IS hormone situated, cause the testosterone i've been taking really works (tough i couldn't tell him that, cause it wastn't prescribed by him...).That makes it a challenge. Your testosterone was normal before you took it, though.
> I have indeed no beard at all, where every guy in my year is parading with his moustache. Also the other secundary genital marks (dunno the english word) are abscent.
"Secondary sexual characteristics" is the term used.
The absence of secondary sexual characteristics is entirely consistent with the pattern of low testosterone, low FSH, and low LH. It would indicate a hypopituitary disorder. It could also be an enzyme disorder, though. Your body might not utilize testosterone normally, which would account for all these signs.
> everything marks out to hormones, and still my docter ignores them because of the results...
> what should i do? would an endo-doc say the same as my psy??Because the secondary sexual characteristics (hair pattern) are not normal for an adult male, and you have what are probably out of range low pituitary hormones (FSH and LH), I'd be strongly leaning towards a pituitary problem. And that's the field of the endocrinologist. I can't say if the endo will decide to treat you with hormones, or not. But I think you should see an endocrinologist to determine if your pituitary function is normal. He's also know all about the proper blood test for that enzyme deficiency, if that's what you are dealing with. So, I think you should see the specialist.
Good luck,
poster:Larry Hoover