Posted by Asheslee on October 7, 2007, at 17:58:29
I am a college student who was recently diagnosed with ADD. My doctor originally prescribed Straterra, but my copay on my insurance was too high for me to actually get it. I went back to the doctor and he prescribed the generic version of Adderall.
The first day I took it, it worked great! I was in a good mood and excited. I took 20 mg. @ 2:00 pm. I did not sleep for even one min. that night.
On day 2, I took 20 mg. @ 7:00 am. I got violently sick. I became so dizzy that I had to lay in the floor and threw up several times.
On day 3, today, I broke a tablet and took 10 mg. I still feel nausiated and lethargic. I don't feel like I can concentrate.
Why did the Adderall not do this to me on the first day??? Why am I reacting differently now? Will this pass when I become more used to the medicine? Does everyone go through this when they begin this medicine? Please help. I can't be sick everyday, but I also don't want to just ignore my ADD anymore. Any experiences or advice would be greatly appreciated.