Posted by Passerby on September 16, 2004, at 23:08:06
In reply to therpaist/psychiatrist question, posted by rubenstein on September 12, 2004, at 13:18:40
I suspect my straightforward answer will make certain individuals unhappy but I will try again anyway. Your therapist SHOULD be talking to your psychiatrist. It should be an integrative approach if your treatment is ever going to work. While ultimately you need to communicate with both of the doctor and the therapist (and thus, the suggestions about seeing another psychiatrist are good ones), mental illness is a combination of biological and emotional issues. Therefore, you want to treat both and make sure you are treating them as one disease. If the two professionals are not talking then hypothetically one could be treating you for a chronic depression and another for mild (as an example). It is the same as if you were to have a physical illness that potentially was made worse by medication you were given for the mental illness; your general practitioner, if he were a good doctor, would talk to your psychiatrist before telling you to discontinuing the medication.
And, this type of integrative treatment is what has been proven to be most effective in treating depression, as shown in recent trials.