Posted by Jeff Smith on March 20, 2007, at 1:08:48
In reply to Re: Another perspective » Jeff Smith, posted by Racer on March 19, 2007, at 19:37:15
> First of all, anti-psychotics are used for a lot more than psychosis these days. Low dose APs are used for OCD, anxiety, sleep disturbance, as an augmenting agent for antidepressants, and I'm sure other uses I'm not thinking of. The fact that your NP prescribed Abilify isn't so surprising, actually, as it's often used to kick up the effects of anti-depressants.
> Second, from your description, I wonder if you might be bipolar? The sort of anger you're describing sounds a little like a mixed state. If so, finding a mood stabilizer might help.
> And there are ways to mitigate the weight gain from antidepressants -- one of which is to add Wellbutrin. If you're taking Wellbutrin and it's not doing the full job, maybe adding a low dose of an SSRI would kick it into gear. There are also other drugs, of entirely different classes, that might work better for you. SSRIs are not the only game in town. The meds board here is a great resource for finding information about different drugs.
> And I do think that a more effective drug would be the first step for you. Right now, it sounds as though you have plenty of reasons why you won't or can't do anything to improve your situation. To me, that's something I see in myself when I'm depressed. And I don't find it particularly attractive while I'm doing it. What I have found in the past, is that once I have adequate antidepressant activity going on biochemically, I *can* take steps to find the additional help I might need, or at least see options that I wasn't able to see before.
> That's only my opinion, of course.
> My last comment, though, is about your assessment of the therapists you've seen at community agencies so far: Are you familiar with the idea of a self-fulfilling prophecy? I guess I'd suggest that you consider what it is you're hoping to get out of talk therapy, and then ask for that. If a therapist is telling you too much about herself, and not helping you -- tell her. You don't have to be rude about it, and you certainly don't have to be angry when you tell her, but you can certainly tell her, "You know, I'm not finding it very helpful to hear about your cat. Can we try to stay on topic?" That's your right, since it's your treatment.
> Just a few thoughts.... Good luck, whatever happens.I see. Im far from a medical expert though, I just know how it (the Abilify) effected me which was negatively. And Im not sure about the bi-polar: I dont know much about it except that I believe people usually have major highs and lows with it... and Ive never had a major (or even close) high.
Also see my next reply to gazo: Ive been reading the Col. Pres. Hospital webpage and Id be willing to at least consider the possibility of some type of med if they were convincing.
So what is your depression (and/or anxiety) like? How does it limit or prevent you from living life? And (if you dont mind telling) what meds do you take?
Also, if all of my experiences with therapists were the result of a self fulfilling prophecy then Id be very amazed by my mental powers : ) Ive actually gone into every new therapist with great hope that theyll be the one to help and its only when they prove themselves completely opposite from that hope (and as Ive described them) that I become very disenchanted.
The one with the cat who talked all about herself (and btw she also would annoyingly quote Oprah-isms and try to make it seem as though they were her own ideas) was someone I saw about 10 or 11 years ago: I was way too pathetic back then to even dream about asserting myself even in the way you suggested... I wouldve been too afraid to insult her or hurt her feelings (crazy I know but thats how it was).
The last one I saw (for 5 years) did almost no talking. I would talk and talk and talk until I repeated the same crap over and over (I have zero life so soon it was eventually impossible to think of anything new to talk about as nothing ever went on with me/my life). After awhile I managed to tell her that I was getting nothing out of coming there and talking and getting no feedback and that I felt like I wanted to stop seeing her: Thats as far as I got since all she had to do to convince me of otherwise was to agree with my next opinion that I was probably better off leaving the house once a week to go see her than I would be not doing so.
Although she was useless I could tell that she genuinely liked me and I liked her from what I knew about her, as she seemed like a really nice woman, so I especially didnt want to offend her/hurt her feelings by going so far as to leave her. She never did give a reason for her no reply method but I continued to see her and talk and talk and got nothing out of it until she finally left the place to open her own practice.
After her I gave up on therapists, until now, but have been on meds steadily since then.
I just desire a shrink like the ones I read about here, and whatnot, who speak and help and offer an opinion or suggestion once in awhile and who are actively involved in the therapy process so its not like talking to a cardboard cut out, etc... just a competent and qualified and caring person who can confidently help me in the right manner (which Im not exactly sure what that is but Im sure the qualified shrink would know).
poster:Jeff Smith