Posted by LadyBug on July 23, 2007, at 10:34:05
In reply to Re: Hey ladybug S'up? You OK? (((LB)))(n.m.) » LadyBug, posted by muffled on July 23, 2007, at 0:37:34
Thanks Muffled!!!!!
You made my day, I'm at work just trying to sort through so many thoughts and so many plans to make.
I decided I didn't want to move into my parents house cuz I would have to move about 90 miles away, Find a new job. My 16 year old does NOT want to live in that city. The house seemed over whelming to me. It's in pretty good shape but it's over 50 years old. I don't know, I must be nuts to pass this up but I did and now it's going to be rented to a cousin that's getting married in August so I can't change my mind.You are wise to recgonize that you've learned all you can from your T. That gives me something to think about too. I know if my marriage had been better I would have stopped seeing my T a long time ago. It's taken me this long to get to the point of leaving my husband. I just wish figuring it out was easier!
When do you leave for your trip? I hope it's a time of peace and relaxation. Make some good memories for your kids.
We struggle with our own minds, but we grow and learn more. It's painful and hard.
You hang in there and don't give in to your head, follow your heart and you'll be ok!!
Safe hugs