Posted by blahblahblah on June 24, 2009, at 18:52:46
sometimes i get the feeling that therapy is making me worse. I only get to see my T fortnightly due to in my country we get a certain amount of free pscyhology sessions a year. So after the first few days of seeing her i can't sleep, i have nightmares when i do sleep, i get suicidal, and i replay all the sh*t things my family has done in my head. and on top of this i miss my T like crazy. So at this point i'm at my lowest. i will usually call her a few days after in a panic, Then a week into it i am starting to feel a bit better. doing a little better without my T by my side, and trying to let go of my family pain and move on. Then i see my T and go back through the same cycle of the sh*t being brought up. the suicidal ideation, the nightmares, etc. Is there any chance that this is actually doing me worse?