Posted by Lexie on September 3, 2000, at 19:12:51
I have been diagnosed with depression and bipolar II and am currently takening topamax and Desipermine. Topamax helped with the moods until last week when I had a very hypomanic episode with my heart pounding, only sleeping a few hours a night and a very irratable mood. I haven't been feeling very well. My doctor had to give me Ambien for sleep. I attempted suicide last year. Sometimes I don't know when it is all going to end. I am not sure if maybe I am just caught up in all of this and just "addicted" to all the of the doctors visits and therapists visits. I wonder if it is time to just stop all the medication and therapy. I feel like I am on a rollar coaster I can't get off of. These are painful feelings to admit to,does anyone else feel this way? Please Help. Lexie