Posted by Rach on October 9, 2002, at 20:52:22
In reply to college life...a joke?, posted by madison88 on October 7, 2002, at 20:31:22
I'm 21, and I went to University for 2 yrs. I lived on campus for all that time, too.
> ...then they spent the next 40 detailing how much they drink, how drunk they get, and all the crazy shit they wind up doing and forgetting.
Honestly, most of this is probably exaggerations. They're basically having a pissing contest to see who is the "coolest". I think you should keep in mind that most people are incredibly insecure, especially when they first start college. Some of them may not like drinking at all, but do it so they appear to fit in and be accepted. I would much rather find true friends who accept my decisions than be everybody's mate and have to compromise myself every WTFS night.
>...last time i drank, i had 3 beers, and then spent 3 days in bed feeling like i was going to die...they are so careless.
Some people can't drink because it gets out of control. Some people can't drink because they are on antibiotics. Some people can't drink because they hate the taste. You may find that even if you come off your meds, you still can't drink. Alcohol is a depressant. Most of us should stay right away from it. Unfortunately, some people can binge drink it, and get away with it.
Yes, college kids are often completely unaware of what they are doing to their bodies, and thus are being careless. But at that stage of life, most kids have complete control over their actions for the first time. They are exploring just what their bodies can and can't handle. They will make many many mistakes, and may continue to do the things that are bad for them so they "fit in". I pity those students, the ones who cannot be firm in their beliefs and decisions and demand to be accepted as they are.
> i have any right to be upset? life seems so hard to me. i can't bear seeing how these people go out and get trashed every WTFS and still plan on going to med school with 4.0's. i am working my ass off to just get by. maybe i just don't have sense of humor, maybe i take everything too seriously. but isn't life serious?
Yes, life is serious. But it is also hilarious. It is beautiful, and ugly, and a whole spectrum of descriptive words in between.If you are able to find the laughter in as many places as possible, then the burden of living will ease slightly. You will enjoy things so much more.
You can be upset by this situation, or you can also be encouraged. Encouraged to work your butt off. When you graduate, think how great your grades are going to be. Think of all the party people, trying to fit in, throwing away the experience of college in a haze of drunkenness, and managing to only just pass. They may plan on getting 4.0s, but its not going to happen if they're vomiting every WTFS. So who's going to get the better job? Who will come out on top?
You can still enjoy college. Their are many clubs you can join that have nothing to do with alcohol. You can still go to the odd party and hang out. When people ask you why you're not drinking, there are many replies you can give.
* You can really push to them that you don't drink. Ever. After a couple of parties, people will eventually start to respect that one.
* You can say you're on medication (antibiotics was the typical med of choice at my college, but you don't have to specify what type).
* If you've got great willpower, and nobody will leave you alone, you can carry a drink around. If you mingle, nobody will notice that you've never refreshed your drink.
Madison, be yourself. Perhaps you should have interrupted the discussion and said "This is all fascinating, but we really should get back to that assignment. Once it's done, we could go to the student bar for drinks." That may catch their interest enough for you to finish your meeting. You could then decline to go to the bar, and go back to your friends to laugh at how naive those people are. Be true to your feelings, and to what you know is right for yourself. Anybody important will respect you for that.