Posted by lil' jimi on April 28, 2003, at 16:06:03
In reply to Re: great links, etc. » lil' jimi, posted by wendy b. on April 26, 2003, at 22:52:53
hi again wendy,
> > > ...for writing back. i have been remiss.
> >
> > pleasure's mine .... "we all need to be in remission", he joked ... (although, i hadn't notice you being remiss, unless you mean you're like a "miss" again ? (another (bad) joke)sorry.)
> yes, very bad. no i am not a miss again, i think i gave up on that sometime in my 30s. i think when i became a 'matron.' this changes everything, i suppose.
>"Matron" ..... uh-oh, i not at all sure about this .... lemme check my here:
"Pronunciation: 'mA-tr&n
"Function: noun
"Etymology: Middle English matrone, from Middle "French, from Latin matrona, from matr-, mater
"Date: 14th century
"1 a : a married woman usually marked by dignified maturity or social distinction b : a woman who supervises women or children (as in a school or police station) c : the chief officer in a women's organization
2 : a female animal kept for breeding "oh, okay, that seems real hokey-dorrie.... and most honorable ... i just did not have that many positive connotations for 'matron' ... now i know better..... congratulations on your matronousity.
> > > rest easy, i don't really think a dictatorship of the proles would work. besides, it's too late for that. global monolithic postmodern capitalism being the snowball that it is...
> > >i'm still resting pretty swell (well, the weekend was ... heck, but anyway ...)... pretty swell-okay like .... and i would even if you were a throughgoing dialectical materialist .... i know some of those folks ... they ain't so bad.
> > ...and her pdoc would later say, "she not only holds few illusions; she has a firm grasp on post-realism ..."
> ... or post-post realism? "because post-realism is so passe' ... you know, dah-link. baudrillard got it all wrong..."
>we are now over my head ... postmodrenism is past me.... but i love your quotation, especially the "dah-link" dialect, but i only think i know that baudrillard is .... a writer? (look out google; here i come!)
> > "....'coursin' i'd never'd really thought you'd be like a real-live commie or nothing like that there," mumbled her hayseed friend, "but you know them other folks will talk sometimes and all....?"
> ... and we wouldn't want that! don't worry, they already do. i am much maligned, Sir Hayseed. in fact, to be serious, i was married to a british commie, he stood on the street corners of london selling "the daily worker"... but never fear - i'm an "AM-ERR-KIN" through and through. a believer in free speech, in democracy, in human rights and human dignity. call me old-fashioned...
>Maligned?! Ack! ... here in our land of the way civil? ... and now it comes out you been a real-live commie lover! Egads and Gad-Zooks! And some limey-commie, at that!..... well, thank goodness you're at least old-fashioned .... love that free speech stuff.
> > > *WARNING* Faint of heart, or people with office-mates, do not open these in mixed company. you have been warned.
> > >
> > excellent, ms working-mommie-person:
> > warn 'em; then blast 'em! .... yeee-haw! ... all civil-like, of course.
> but of course! warnings are good. "Achtung!"
> > > some scary s__ here...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > way cool.... exquiste .... better than any of my online resources ... i am impressed and grateful....
> cool! i was hoping you hadn't seen them before! i got a bunch more... from a friend, former contributor to this board. but i had to post the "chicken crossing the road" thing below first...
> > thank you very much for the great links!
> > allow me to recommend Vincent Bugliosi' "The Betrayal of America" ..... it is most convincing.... makes a great gift for any fascist friends!
> no kidding? i will have to check it out... wasn't bugliosi the prosecutor in sharon tate murders, brought to you by charles manson, etc., trial? i read his first book on the trial, i clearly remember the photos of sharon tate's apartment, ugh, it was awful. at least i think bugliosi wrote that... now i have to look it up.
>mr. vincent bugliosi is that very same prosecutor and author of "Helter Skelter", too ... he is your hard-nosed, law-and-order prosecutor-type, who happens to believe in our Constitution
> > looking forward to more funnies .... thanks again for the enjoy: was/is immense.
> >
> > we have quite a way to go from our 4 to your 11 .... (like 2010 ?(!))... and congratulations on your "little" one!
> ahh, not so little. and no need to congratulate! it wasn't (isn't) heroic to have had her! but the best thing i have ever done, to be sure, was to bring her into the world. by the way, jimi - i loved age 4! they are learning so much in that year, real social interaction takes place. they are becoming aware that other people have needs and feelings, too, which is a true milestone. actually, i loved all my daughter's ages, love the one she's in now, just on the precipice of puberty. it's not long now... periods and boyfriends and sullenness (we have some of that already!), the first drink, the first smoke.
>Oh, i'd say congratulations are due all the more, modest, life-giver, good-mother person: congrats and way to go!... to us guys, let me tell you, child birth looks pretty darned heroic (!) and as a parent i can say that raising sentient human beings, done well, is wonderfully heroic ..... our 4 year old is our hero and, yes, 4 is way fun and way funny ... your daughter is blessed to have such a hep mom! ... especially one who is prepared to deal with all those real-deal girl issues.... you are cool.
> and with that, i exit stage left,
> wendy
> jimi, i like you.hey! watch out with that stuff!... er, okay, but .. ..well, you're alright too.
> here it is:
> *******************
> The history of the world and recent events according to the chicken !!
> ______________________________
> Responses to the age-old question: "Why did the Chicken cross the road?"
> George W. Bush
> We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to
> know if the chicken is on our side of the road or not. The chicken is
> either with us or it is against us. There is no middle ground here.
> Tony Blair
> It is quite clear that the chicken will go to extreme lengths, indeed has
> already done so, to hide these road crossings and avoid giving them up.
> Colin Powell
> Now, to the left of the screen, you will clearly see the satellite image of
> the chicken as it is crossing the road.
> Hans Blix
> We have strong reason to believe that there is a chicken, but we have not
> yet been allowed access to the other side of the road.
> Jacques Chirac
> We will not support any action from a chicken who crosses the road before
> ample time has been given to inspect the crossing. We will also accept no
> ultimatums to have a chicken cross the road.
> Joscha Fischer (German Foreign secretary)
> Excuse me sir, but I still haven't found a good reason for that chicken to
> cross the road!
> Mohammed Aldouri (Iraqi ambassador)
> The chicken did not cross the road. This is a complete fabrication. We
> don't even have a chicken, much less a road for it to cross.
> Saddam Hussein
> This chicken crossing over our road is an unprovoked act of rebellion, and
> we are quite justified in dropping 50 tons of nerve gas on it.
> Peter Arnett
> The initial chicken crossing has failed because of traffic resistance. Now
> the chicken is trying to make another planned crossing. Clearly, the
> chicken misjudged the determination of the initial traffic forces.
> Ralph Nader
> The chicken's habitat on the original side of the road had been polluted by
> unchecked industrialist greed. The chicken did not reach the unspoiled
> habitat on the other side of the road because it was crushed by the wheels
> of a gas-guzzling SUV.
> Pat Buchanan
> To steal a job from a decent, hard-working American chicken.
> Rush Limbaugh
> I don't know why the chicken crossed the road, but I'll bet it was getting
> a government grant to cross a road, and I'll bet someone out there is
> already forming a support group to help chickens with "Chicken
> crossing-the-road" syndrome. Can you believe this? How much more of this
> can real Americans take? Chickens crossing the road, paid for by their tax
> dollars, and when I say tax dollars, I'm talking about your money; money
> the government took from you to build roads for chickens to cross.
> Martha Stewart
> No one called to warn me which way that chicken was going. I had a
> standing order at the farmer's market to sell my eggs when the price
> dropped to a certain level. No little chicken gave me any insider
> information.
> Jerry Falwell
> Because the chicken is gay! Isn't it obvious? Can't you people see the
> plain truth in front of your face? The chicken was going to the other
> side. That's what they call it -- the other side. Yes, my friends, that
> chicken is gay. And, if you eat that chicken, you will become gay too. I
> say we boycott all chickens until we sort out this abomination that the
> liberal media whitewashes with seemingly harmless phrases like "the other
> side."
> Dr. Seuss
> Did the chicken cross the road?
> Did he cross it with a toad?
> Yes, the chicken crossed the road,
> But why it crossed, I've not been told!
> Ernest Hemingway
> To die. In the rain. Alone.
> Martin Luther King, Jr.
> I envision a world where all chickens will be free to cross roads without
> having their motives called into question.
> Grandpa
> In my day, we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Someone told us
> that a chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough for us.
> Barbara Walters
> Isn't that interesting? In a few moments we will be listening to the
> chicken tell, for the first time, the heart-warming story of how it
> experienced a serious case of molting and went on to accomplish its
> life-long dream of crossing the road.
> John Lennon
> Imagine all the chickens crossing the road in peace, and no chicken road
> crossing religion too.
> Aristotle
> It is simply the nature of chickens to cross the road.
> Karl Marx
> It was an historical inevitability.
> Voltaire
> I may not agree with what the chicken did, but I will defend to the death
> its right to do it.
> Ronald Reagan
> What chicken?
> Captain Kirk
> To boldly go where no chicken has gone before.
> Fox Mulder
> You saw it cross the road with your own eyes! How many more chickens have
> to cross before you believe it?
> Sigmund Freud
> The fact that you are at all concerned that the chicken crossed the road
> reveals your underlying sexual insecurity.
> Bill Gates
> I have just released E-Chicken 2003, which will not only cross roads, but
> will lay eggs, file your important documents and balance your checkbook.
> And Internet Explorer is an inextricable part of E-Chicken 2003, so we are
> bundling it with a world-wide road package.
> Albert Einstein
> Did the chicken really cross the road or did the road actually move beneath
> the chicken?
> Bill Clinton
> I did not cross the road with THAT chicken, Ms. Cluck! What do you mean by
> cross? Could you define the word "cross" please?
> Buzz Aldrin
> One small step for chicken, one giant leap for chicken-kind.
> Colonel Sanders
> Am I missing one?
that is great! ... our 4 year-old hero loves to tell us, and anyone else, the original version of this "joke" ... again and again and again ... i always laugh real big for him ... all of which contributes to the general hysteria all the more ....a politcal friend of mine has just offered me, a link in keeping with yours-ones above
(way, way Way offensive, people(!), like gory-bloody gross: i ain't kidding!!):, looky here, we are the lead-off for PSocialB's Current Period ... golly! ( or Gollllll-LEE!)
i appreciate your 4bear-ants for my being the remiss-ing one this time .... hard weekend, glad to be at work so i can relax, heh!
yeah, wendy, i like you, too.
~ jim
poster:lil' jimi