Posted by Racer on February 28, 2004, at 13:20:36
I have a few questions for anyone else here in California about the propositions on our ballot, and the political advertising surrounding them. I'm interested in how others see them, because my husband and I disagree so strongly on our conclusions, although we agree on most of the issues to a large extent. (Mind you, if you're a voter here, and you don't care to answer these questions, that's fine too.)
1. Just to place you in context, would you please identify your general age group? Say, just within a decade, like I'm 40s.
2. On Prop 57, do you approve of the proposal?
3. If you disapprove of the proposal, are you planning to vote for it anyway?
4. If so, what are your reasons for choosing to vote for a proposition you disapprove of?
5. Do you approve of Prop 56?
6. To what extent have the political ads for and against 56 influenced your decision? For example, is there one particular ad that you think of when you think about the issue? Is there any one thing about the advertisements that stands out in your mind when you're making a decision about your vote?
7. Where do you get most of your information about these and other issues? TV news? Cable news channel news? Newspapers? The voter's handbooks and sample ballots? The Internet?
8. If you get the majority of your information about the issues from television news, whether broadcast or cable, is there any one source you rely on more than others for the truth of the information?
9. Has anyone here been personally involved in any way with the political system in any of these campaigns?
10. How many here have received "push-poll" calls about this election? (A "push-poll" is where they call you and ask who you'd vote for and "would it influence your decision against voting for [x] if you learned that he [insert "bad" deed here]?" It's a negative campaign strategy disguised as a poll.) Have they altered your decision on any candidate or issue?
Thank you very much, in advance, to anyone who answers this! I'll answer first, so that it doesn't look as if I just want to sit back and let you all do all the work.