Posted by CatFanatic on September 18, 2004, at 6:05:42
In my dreams last , nigth , I was trying out one of the techniques I read about at this website : was at a drviging range, and as I approached the woman at the counter, I had negative thoughts as I passed by people tha tey didn't like me, thought I was a weirdo, etc. the way I usualy feel.
Wel I then acknoledged the negative feelings, then challenedge them, ssking myself "Is this helping me?" I eventually woke up, and while still in a daze after sleeeping, I briefly ried this out on pst memories of abusive scumbags, and added a psychological snapping of the rubber bnd on my wrist byscreaming in my head NO to the question 'does this help me".
I guess normal people do this. I always wondered why politicians were never severely depressed and anxiety ridden avoidants. After all, their entire public life, especially duinr elections, is full of scurrilous attacks, sometimes very personal, and mena vicous distorted lies. Even when someone says something to me that is completly false about me, it causes intense hurt that i relive every day, and still hurts and angers me 20 years later.