Posted by Tymoney on July 24, 2006, at 13:33:19 [reposted on July 26, 2006, at 9:59:12 | original URL]
In reply to Re: The New Social Security Drug Plan, posted by HotLobster on July 24, 2006, at 5:41:31
I forgot to mention to mention,the name is actualy called SLMB.What it is ,is this exacly.
For those who already obtained Disability,you have limitations,which follows....
Normal monthly Premiuims,killing the already small check......
You have a limitation to medication,mostly 2500-3000 average,then ur done,this is reached pretty fast with new meds being as high priced as they are,and diferent trials.You have a premium on the medcation service.
So what Slmb is,well what you would do is apply for MEDICAID,likly as i said you wont get it,theyll give u a notice saying u dont make it,and u have to meet a spend down,which is complicated,in a nutshell u have to note everyt single thing and reach a total they list,which is totaly unreachable for most.However,aside from the full medicaid,there is a very very good chance you will be eligable gor SLMB,what this is,is partial medicaid,and as i said what it entitles you to is,both premiums or all premiums covered,both the normal one,and the new one for the med plan,so u get ur full check.
Second the limitation on he drugs.......GONE GONE GONE.I swear this is true,they call it EXTRA HELP the plad d programs,they hear that and say oh ok.I promise you it works like this.Please is u have disabilit already,and are oosing part of ur check to the premium monthly,if u are watching in fear of reaching the drug limit,contact ur worker and ask about SLMB,it is a saviour,if its not avvailble for some reason in a area i am sorry for giving false hope,but its very easy to not know ur options as case workers sometimes do not jump at the chance to make u aware of all the ways u can benifit,please call and ask,id like to hear some feed back on this if possable,thank you.