Posted by karen_kay on April 29, 2007, at 7:53:16
In reply to hi, posted by LlurpsieNoodle on April 28, 2007, at 23:27:55
my noodle,
first off, i must warn you, it's extremely early for me, i've yet to finish my FIRST coffee, so my fingers aren't working properly (nor my brain), so most words will be missing letters or the letters will be (grrrr, i'm getting frustrated with this topamax, well, i would be if it wasn't first thing in the morning and i could feel emotions...) and the letters may be what's the word??? as in jumbled? ujlbde? <----- i know you're smart li, what's that called? i want to say imposed or superimposed or somethign, but i know that isn't right... do tel me..
well noodle, being that you're a noodle and smell heavily of garlic, if i find myself hungry.....
yesterday, my mother, which i will now refer to as THE TORNADO (she comes to my house, yells in her rough voice 'light a smoke, i quit but i need a drag, ohh, but i have to use the toilet, so follow me there oh, brign your sister too....' so, i regretfully follow, with my poor smokes (the horror recalling this, but it happens every single time). we all meet in out tiny bathroom, she'll make some comment about 'oh, i foudn the perfect duckie such and such for your bathroom. ok, let's talk aobut your situation. kk has too much stress, i'm a complete (expletive deleted) and feel the need to get involved.' to which i start shaking and say 'look i need to get out of this bathrrom.'
yeah, that happened yesterday. i beleive it happened a few days ago. so, now she's known as THE TORNADO (and yes, she gets caps too). (muttering) meddling *^&$((^)%^$&%&*^^^* ......
so noodle, how are you? i love noodles with garlic. i like pesto too. statistics i can do without. actually, i don't care aboutthem one way or the other right now, except that they make your eyes hurt. so, i don't care for them too much.
there's a civil war reenactment going on down the street. i'm tempted to shoot at one of the soldiers when they march by with a bb gun, just to help them feel like they're really in the trenches, you know? when that nice man yesterday came by to mow our yard (long story, but we let our neighbor borrow our mower and now it won't start??? i guess it was the mowers time to go? my sister asked some 'dude' at work to borrow his and he came by and actually mowed it. his father came with him and i talked to the dad the whole time) we talked about shooting at them and we thought about it (come on, i know getting hit with a bbgun doesn't hurt too bad, i watched mr kk shoot his sister in the butt just last summmer. i also heard her shout 'i hate you!. i couldn't stop laughing, but she's got a big ole' butt and she was fine. goodness, it was funny :)
i had to go check on a friend yesterday. her phone got shut (i actually typed shot :) off. she's the one that tears up the wet n wild display at walmart if they don't have her favorite shade for $.99 shouting obcenities and they have to ask her to leave. she's fine.
i've been reading a bit at a time and trying to stay off the computer as much. we'll see how long that lasts, eh?
and i ate like a pig yesterday! i had arbies (is that how you spell it? that cheap roast beef fast food place? it was on the way to see my friend). i had some ben and jerry's (oh no, i can't remember what kind... the brownie kind, just chocolate ice cream with chunks of brownies). and a chicken salad.
some minor asked mr kk to buy him beer last night at 12:30 am. didn't even get a free beer out of it. geez. i swear, people need to get their own fake id's or at least be generous, right?
and jsut what have you been up to darling?