Posted by alexandra_k on April 30, 2020, at 1:16:29
And it's insane, really, isn't it.
How many of the Medical Studnets were happier looking after Doctors kids. Getting to play and exercise and help develop the minds of likely bright and caring kids.
But they don't wnat to be early childhood educators (that's not valued) they want to be doctors with medcial degrees.
How many people learned they were happier working from home. They could get their work done in part-time time without all the interruptions from their colleages who were seeking social contact, mostly. They could spend the time with their kids or their pets or their sourdough.
But that's not valued.
We would rather pay someone crap to spit in our sourdough.
To smear feces on our big mac. I mean -- why wouldn' tyou???? if you could get away with it???
How the world treats you???
why wouldn't you????