Posted by alexandra_k on February 27, 2022, at 21:45:27
awwwwwwwww.i kinda wanted to check out the training camp.
they did tours around chernobyl.
the guy has amazing scapula retraction.
the US was quite... enamoured. by the Bulgarian and soviet and eastern european olympic weightlifters.
they started buying them out. paying them, i guess. so they could move from there to California. teach cross-fit seminars.
i don't know how they can do it without visibly cringing.
it was like one of the guys (who said he refused to coach me, but who would say the odd thing every now and then) said:
it makes my eyes bleed, watching most people try and do this stuff.
most people don't have the mobility.
and they won't work the mobility before they want to lift more and more and more and more and more and more weight...
the lifts (when done well) are so beautiful.
and they just wreck most of the athletes.
and they make my eyes bleed. i know what he means.
i used to film myself and mostly i made my eyes bleed, too.
can see that i'm not getting it... that things don't look right etc.
we don't have proper training for olympic weightlifting.
we don't have proper training for most things.
we do seem to have proper training for swimming.
i was actually lucky / fortunate to get to see some of that, in dunedin.
i was mostly hanging about in the gym doing mobility stuff or just sort of doing whatever in the pool (making their eyes bleed, no doubt)...
but seeing what they did with... there were particular groups of swimmers. that were clearly or obviously the best in their age group.
the training that they did with those kids. the drills etc.
proper training.
not just 'swim fast, fast, fast as you can'. but a really really rather great volume of swimming. at a slower pace... with more of a focus on...
but, of course, could still see where there would have been a benefit for more individualised coaching.
we don't really do it, though.
I don't have anything against Dame Valarie Adams.
I understand she's supposed to be motivational and inspirational as an athlete, and all...
But I also get that she was picked out early and progressed in the sport because... She could chuck it further than anybody else. So she was encouraged to keep chucking it. Keep chucking it. Keep chucking it.
And it is a statemetn of the relative lack of development and relatlive lack of investment in teh wormen's sport that she can chuck it as well as she can to international levels without... The technique.
Like how athletes from NZ and Australia and (often - but it is gradually changing the US) can powerlift more than they can squatlift their olympic lifts. That is to say they aren't at the stage of developoment where the technical or technique innovation is... Useful? I don't know what you call that...
Something is off / not quite right fundamentally. When or where that is the case.
Something is off about it.
I saw some youtube video that was taken of some visiting thrower...
He was visiting a youth athletics club (some male and female throwers) and doing a day seminar.
You could see that he was trying not to grimace or wince when he was watching them...
Mostly the problem was...
That the kids did not look generally athletic.
Some of them (the boys particularly) were starting to accumulate muscle mass... And you could see from the way the muscle mass was developing or accumulating that their training was unbalanced or inbalanced.
You could see the movement restrictions and instability etc. Their inability to get their body into position. To move through postiions in space. Never mind when at speed. Just generally. IN the first place.
He asked one of them 'what training do you do? / How do you train'?
And the kid said 'we don't train, really, we just throw. We just throw it as best we can'.
There's a similar sort of thing that happens when they say about the Bulgarians training only the Olympic Lifts (cmopared to teh Polish, for example, who got them doing general gymansics etc kinds of things. Skipping. Playing swimming pool volleyball for fun.
But only training the Olympic Lifts.. Well.. You break them down into parts.
Like the swimmers.
You do a length using only your left arm..
You do a length only doing kick kick kick kick
The swimmers only swim, of course.
But the strokes tie in...
My breaststroke is flat. Flat like a flounder. I think of breaststroke as top-feeding skimming the top of the pool. It would be faster being a bottom-feeder along the bottom...
But others have a more... Dolphin. Lunging inspired breaststroke. Apparently breaststroke EVOLVED into butterfly. In the quest to go faster.
I think that means (but I"m not sure) that in order to get faster and faster and faster at breaststroke (at the end of the day) you need to be competent in butterfly. Because there is something about the undulation... Riding waves pulsing forwards...
I don't know. Maybe... Maybe not.
I wonder what the best power-lifts are (compared to full squat lifts) from the really really really elite...
I guess there is a point where you transcend the formal lifts. They are just defined by a series of rules. You are required to surface for breaststroke so that means you have to come up out of the water.
But they do dolphin underwater from the starting gates, they don't move flat in the anterior-posterior plane.
Though apparently it is faster to turn on your side to make waves to interfere with swimmers in the next-door lanes... I don't know... I don't know... It is considered 'unsporting'.
We ruin our lifters before they get to internationally competitive levels.
It is interesting how they are getting older int he Olympics etc.
More like dressage or eventing than 2 year old races.